Carper fends off liberal challenger in Delaware primary


From Politico Morning Score:

Many of the ads are focused in Maine. The abortion-rights group NARAL Pro-Choice America poured an additional $500,000 into a digital and TV ad by in Maine to try to peel off GOP Sen. Susan Collins. The ad features a voter who said she might not be able to back Collins in future elections if she votes for Kavanaugh (liberal activists have already collected north of $500,000 in pledges on Crowdpac that will go to her 2020 opponent if she votes yes on him). One Nation, the nonprofit group tied to Senate Majority Leader Mitch MacConnell, has placed at least $204,000 in advertising in Maine on the Supreme Court for Sept 7-27, according to data from [AdImpact]. [AdImpact] also tracks $241,000 in spending in the state from the conservative State Government Leadership Foundation from Sept. 5-18, and the liberal VoteVets released two ads urging Collins to oppose Kavanaugh. POLITICO’s Burgess Everett has more on the pressure Collins and Alaska GOP Sen. Lisa Murkowski are facing.

Read the full article here.

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