UPDATE: Dashboards Go Digital


The best competitive tool in politics just got better with the addition of digital media spending data.

Digital Spending Updates

Delta is the only spending database with more than $10 billion in traditional ad spending, and we’ve now integrated Google and Facebook spending into the database. This provides into more than $175 million in digital media spending from more than 450 elections and 406,000 digital campaigns. View digital and traditional spending side-by-side in the only dashboards to show all media types together.

This update makes the [AdImpact] spending dashboards your most complete competitive tool. Political advertising is moving into the digital space, and we’re bringing that intelligence to you so you’re never taken by surprise. Here’s how to access all the information you need about traditional media and Facebook and Google spending:

You can view digital media spending totals by hovering over an advertiser’s name on the homepage of your dashboard. Here digital will be listed alongside broadcast TV, cable, and radio spending.

Political spending insight dashboards

To access more detail about an advertiser’s digital spend, click on the advertiser’s name. Here market totals are provided for each media type, and you can view digital spending broken out by streaming video and “Desktop/Mobile”. The Desktop/Mobile total includes all Google and Facebook spending for that advertiser.

Digital media spending insights

You can also compare Desktop/Mobile digital spending in any of the listed tabs of your dashboard. For instance, in the markets tab, Desktop/Mobile is the first “market” listed and shows you a breakout of digital spending by party and advertiser type.

Your dashboards now show you the full picture of an advertiser’s strategy, and we’re excited to be the first to have both digital and traditional spending in the same place, and accessible at the click of a button. If you would like to know more about our capabilities in tracking digital expenditures, or you would like to request a demo of our dashboards, please visit our solutions or email John Link at [email protected].

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