What was the Best Ad of the 2020 Election Cycle?


We all see waaaaaayyy too many election ads each election cycle. While they might be exhausting come November, now that we’re past that, we might as well enjoy them. So, we’re asking you to pick the best ad of the cycle. There’s no real criteria, it’s a gut thing, just pick your favorite each round and vote. Voting will take place on our political Twitter page from Thursday, February 18th – Sunday, February 21. And so, in random order and without further ado, here are the ads for your consideration.

Best Ads of 2020

1. Silence Him – Biden

16. Stunt Driving – Plame

9. Unfit – Republicans for the Rule of Law

8. Sully – Vote Vets/Lincoln Project

5. Parasite – The Lincoln Project

12. Van Drewed! – House Majority PAC

13. I’m a Rock – Inhofe

4. Dog Ad – Warnock

3. Shooting Range – Greene

14. Spot a Zombie – Trump

  • Aired during Fear The Walking Dead

11. Obedience School – Gross

6. Crickets – The Lincoln Project

7. Digital Trump – Price of My Vote

10. The Usual – Loeffler

15. The Dealmaker – Markey

  • This is the full version of what was cut into shorter ads. It’s worth watching the full thing.

[yotuwp type=”videos” id=”DDg5glIt_0A” ]

2. Por Trump – Trump

That’s it, we only have 16 this year, but this will continue to grow in years to come as well as maybe gain criteria and judges? Who knows. The thing about good ads is that they’re good for different reasons. Some ads grab your attention, some go viral and help you fund raise, some speak to local issues, and some are just weird. The best ads speak to voters in a compelling way. That said, politics is so nationalized and because of Twitter, we can get the internet to make a final judgement for us. Which is why, at least this year, we’ve decided to turn this over to you, because the internet is always right and free of bias. What’s the best ad of the 2020 election cycle? You tell us!

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